Caching and E-Marketing Spot
(too old to reply)
2006-09-08 20:45:14 UTC
I have a page which is cached using the WCS Caching mechanism .. The setting for the caching are mentioned in the cachespec.xml file .
Later have added E-Marketing spots to the page and specified certain rules for the display of the e-spot. However due to the caching, the E-marketing spot does not get updated if the rules for its displayed are fulfilled. However, if I disable the Caching, the E-Spot works fine.
What can be done for this?..

Robert Brown
2006-09-08 21:07:23 UTC
What are you trying to do? Are you trying to cache the eSpots or
continue to cache the original page but NOT the eSpot? I'm not
following you...

Post by d***@rediffmail.com
I have a page which is cached using the WCS Caching mechanism .. The setting for the caching are mentioned in the cachespec.xml file .
Later have added E-Marketing spots to the page and specified certain rules for the display of the e-spot. However due to the caching, the E-marketing spot does not get updated if the rules for its displayed are fulfilled. However, if I disable the Caching, the E-Spot works fine.
What can be done for this?..
2006-09-08 21:33:50 UTC
Right now my whole page is cached. The e-spots were introduced now!!!!.. I believe it has something to do with fragment caching.. Any inputs???
Robert Brown
2006-09-08 22:33:05 UTC
Well, we typically create and display an eSpot in a separate include and
pass in the emsName to help DynaCache keep the logic straight.

<jsp:include page="CachedESpot1.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="emsName" value="ESpot1" />

where ESpot1 is the name of the spot in Accelerator. Dynacache is
configured to cache both the main page (if required) and the
CachedESpot1.jsp. For cart pages, only the eSpot is cached. The
included JSP can be used/included on multiple pages as needed.

Post by d***@rediffmail.com
Right now my whole page is cached. The e-spots were introduced now!!!!.. I believe it has something to do with fragment caching.. Any inputs???
2006-09-11 13:47:24 UTC
Hi Robert,
I want to cache the entire page except the espots. My page includes a seperate include for displaying the Espots.
Example. The command StoreCatalogDisplay forwards to the view Home.jsp which also has 4 Espots. The RequestServlet is cached with a cache id like this

<component id="" type="pathinfo">

How do i fragment out the Espots seperately ?.. i have the seperate include file by the name EmarketingSpotDisplay.jsp. I dont want to cache it.
Robert Brown
2006-09-11 16:32:11 UTC
Post by d***@rediffmail.com
Hi Robert,
I want to cache the entire page except the espots. My page includes a seperate include for displaying the Espots.
Example. The command StoreCatalogDisplay forwards to the view Home.jsp which also has 4 Espots. The RequestServlet is cached with a cache id like this
<component id="" type="pathinfo">
How do i fragment out the Espots seperately ?.. i have the seperate include file by the name EmarketingSpotDisplay.jsp. I dont want to cache it.
Are you caching whole pages (consume-fragments = true) or utilizing
fragment caching? Perhaps you need to update the cachespec.xml rules
for the StoreCatalogDisplay JSP so it caches the eSpots effectively for
the various customer segments you have.

Hard to say without knowing more about your eSpots, your cachespec.xml
rules, and the level of JSP customizations here. You can specify that a
page is never cached under certain conditions which might apply in your
case. You should look for the following two Dynacache white papers:

0405_caching_paper.pdf (How to cache WebSphere Commerce pages with the
WebSphere Application Server dynamic cache service)
0507_crick_tutorial.pdf (Tutorial: Improve WebSphere Commerce
performance with dynamic caching)

for more information. If you have trouble locating these on the web
send me a note offline and I'll send them to you attached to an email.

2006-10-27 14:29:53 UTC
the problem is you have cached the entire page. Once you have decided that a page needs to be cached, you must decided what elements you want to cache. Since you do not want e-marketing spots to be cached, you need to seperate the cached stuff out of the page. So what we do is create a cached.jsp name and copy the body content you want to cache into that and the previous jsp includes it, just like e-spots are being included. Now you cache the fragment page you just created and not the main jsp page.