Hi Robert,
Changing my search to 'ShopcartSetupView' and 'OrderCalculate' I find:
On live website:
select * from viewreg where viewname = 'ShopcartSetupView'
finds just the one entry: ShopcartSetupView for ShopcartSetup.jsp and store = 10051, the correct store.
select * from acaction where action = 'ShopcartSetupView'
finds just one entry: ShopcartSetupView, for acaction_id = 11902
and this leads to action group FashionAllUsersViews and member_id -2001
select * from acaction where action like '%OrderCalculate%'
finds just one entry: com.ibm.commerce.order.commands.OrderCalculateCmd, for acaction_id = 11512
and this leads to action group OrderPrepareCommands and member_id -2001
On test website:
select * from viewreg where viewname like '%ShopcartSetupView%'
finds just the one entry: ShopcartSetupView for ShopcartSetup.jsp and store = 10001, the correct store.
select * from acaction where action = 'ShopcartSetupView'
finds just one entry: ShopcartSetupView, for acaction_id = 11902
and this leads to action group FashionAllUsersViews and member_id -2001
select * from acaction where action like '%OrderCalculate%'
finds just one entry: com.ibm.commerce.order.commands.OrderCalculateCmd, for acaction_id = 11512
and this leads to action group OrderPrepareCommands and member_id -2001
So there is no difference between the two databases for 'ShopcartSetupView' or 'OrderCalculate'.
There are no entries for storeent_id = 0 for these views in either database.
There were some entries for storeent_id = 0 for the previous 'OrderItemDisplay' search, but I was comparing the entries for the correct stores in what I reported.
Also upon checking, there is no entry for member_id = -1002 in any of the access control tables in either environment. They look the same, without checking every detail.
Regarding "migration" from test to live environment. There was none. Commerce was installed and the store published entirely separate in the two environments. The live data was loaded from scratch, so was the test data. The pages, properties files, etc, and three jars were copied from test to live. That was how it was deployed.
Has OrderCalculate or any of its task commands been customized?
In the docs I found the OrderCalculateCmdImpl and it calls 3 task commands, and no one has told me that we modified any of those, and I can't find their sources. They are:
OrderItemAddCmd, which is in acaction table and leads to member_id -2001, identical in both databases
ResolveOrdersCmd, which is not in acaction table, identical in both databases
ResolveFulfillmentCenterCmd, which is not in acaction table, identical in both databases
I was looking at the trace log. I see several "isAllowed PASSED? =true" but none that = false.
I'm ready to give up, just take my chances on making a few pages changes live without messing up the live environment. I won't be changing the ShopcartSetup.jsp so maybe I'll get lucky.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.