How to add web alias in the development environment?
(too old to reply)
2006-12-12 10:14:22 UTC
I need to define a web alias to point to a local directory. This can be done in the full build by editing the httpd.conf file of the IBM HTTP server. But how do we add an alias like:
Alias /wps/wcm/myconnect "C:\temp" when running the application using the development environment (toolkit)?

When I try to access a url that contains the above string (/wps/wcm/myconnect) i get the following error:
: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /wps/wcm/myconnect/resources/furn2.jpg has not been defined.
2006-12-12 14:52:12 UTC
It looks like you need to check your definition of the Virtual Server section - the alias seem to be OK.
Brian Lima
2006-12-12 16:03:25 UTC
Post by r***@in.ibm.com
Alias /wps/wcm/myconnect "C:\temp" when running the application using the development environment (toolkit)?
: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /wps/wcm/myconnect/resources/furn2.jpg has not been defined.
Since the development environment doesn't use a webserver, you won't be
able to create and alias the same way. One thing you can try is to
create a new web project whose context root matches your alias. In your
case the context root would be "/wps/wcm/myconnect". You would then
place your files under the WebContent directory and they should be
accessable. One important thing that you need to check is to make sure
the file serving servlet is enabled but I believe that is the default.
2007-01-04 05:38:22 UTC
Thanks Brian.

I can see a WebServer section in wc-server.xml which sets some aliases for the stores project among other things:

<WebServerAliases display="false">
<NonSecurePort display="false">
name="wcsstore" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/Stores/WebContent"/>
<Alias name="wcs" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/CommerceAccelerator/WebContent"/>
<SecurePort display="false">
name="wcsstore" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/Stores/WebContent"/>
<Alias name="wcs" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/CommerceAccelerator/WebContent"/>
<ToolsPort display="false">
name="adminconsole" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/SiteAdministration/WebContent/tools/adminconsole/wcsadmincon.html"/>
name="wcsstore" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/Stores/WebContent"/>
name="accelerator" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/CommerceAccelerator/WebContent/tools/common/accelerator.html"/>
<Alias name="wcs" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/CommerceAccelerator/WebContent"/>
name="wcadmin" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/SiteAdministration/WebContent"/>
name="wcorgadmin" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/OrganizationAdministration/WebContent"/>
name="orgadminconsole" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/OrganizationAdministration/WebContent/tools/buyerconsole/wcsbuyercon.html"/>
name="wcwkspcadmin" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/WorkspaceAdministration/WebContent"/>
name="workspaceadmin" value="C:\WC18F3~1/workspace/WorkspaceAdministration/WebContent/tools/workspaceadmin/wkspcadmin.html"/>

These alisases seem to be working. Is it because they are defined as context roots for the different web projects?
Brian Lima
2007-01-04 15:13:37 UTC
Post by r***@in.ibm.com
Thanks Brian.
These alisases seem to be working. Is it because they are defined as
context roots for the different web projects?

That's correct. There are web projects for each of those aliases
defined. In the development environment those entries that you see in
the wc-server.xml file do nothing.

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