How to setup remote database in WCToolKit5.6
(too old to reply)
Jaweed Ali jaweed
2006-10-10 07:23:39 UTC
Hi All
I have WCToolKit 5.6 and set up database which is on remote server on VPN
by using the setdbtype command and i can navigate the stores in WCToolkit its work fine but i am unable to Generate Test Deployment Code for newly created EJBs in WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionDate EJB project when i use the option Generate-->Test Deployment Code.It shows the following messages in the console
and then finish without showing Successful message .

Buildfile: G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\logs\..\xml\deployEJBProject.xml
Deleting directory G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\temp\WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
Created dir: G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\temp\WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
Copying 48 files to G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\temp\WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
Compiling 48 source files
Generating code for "../workspace/WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData/ejbModule/META-INF".

And when i run the Test Server and try to access the newly Created EJBs it generate a Namming Exaception

Any one know any solution


Brian Lima
2006-10-11 19:11:41 UTC
Post by Jaweed Ali jaweed
Hi All
I have WCToolKit 5.6 and set up database which is on remote server on VPN
by using the setdbtype command and i can navigate the stores in WCToolkit its work fine but i am unable to Generate Test Deployment Code for newly created EJBs in WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionDate EJB project when i use the option Generate-->Test Deployment Code.It shows the following messages in the console
and then finish without showing Successful message .
Buildfile: G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\logs\..\xml\deployEJBProject.xml
Deleting directory G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\temp\WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
Created dir: G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\temp\WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
Copying 48 files to G:\WCToolkitExpress561Campmor\temp\WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
Compiling 48 source files
Generating code for "../workspace/WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData/ejbModule/META-INF".
And when i run the Test Server and try to access the newly Created EJBs it generate a Namming Exaception
Any one know any solution
Which test server are you running? The test deployment code is only
meant for the light weight test server. If you are using the full test
server then you will need to generate the RMIC and deployed code.
Jaweed Ali jaweed
2006-10-12 02:58:31 UTC
Hi Brian Lima
Yes i m using testEnvoirnment, and getting the problem.Thanks for your reply
Brian Lima
2006-10-12 22:19:51 UTC
Post by Jaweed Ali jaweed
Hi Brian Lima
Yes i m using testEnvoirnment, and getting the problem.Thanks for your reply
I'm sorry but which test environment are you using? I'm just a little
unclear at the moment.
Jaweed Ali jaweed
2006-10-13 09:48:32 UTC
Its Lightweight WebSphereCommerce Test Envoirnment, also I m using WSAD 5.1 with WebSphereCommerce Toolkit 5.6.1 and WebSphere Application Server 5.1
Brian Lima
2006-10-13 21:25:00 UTC
Post by Jaweed Ali jaweed
Its Lightweight WebSphereCommerce Test Envoirnment, also I m using WSAD 5.1 with WebSphereCommerce Toolkit 5.6.1 and WebSphere Application Server 5.1
It's strange that the console just stops after the generating line. It
should be proceeding to then compile the source files. Since this
process didn't complete it definitely explains why you get the naming
exceptions. Off the top of my head I'm not sure why it's failing. Can
you verify that you have enough diskspace available and that there are
no locks on the source or temp directories? I'll usually reboot to
clear up any locks by errand processes.
Jaweed Ali jaweed
2006-11-02 11:07:45 UTC
Thanks for your reply
No there is no memeory problem and i also have restart my computer so many times but the problem is same
Brian Lima
2006-11-03 16:12:04 UTC
Post by Jaweed Ali jaweed
Thanks for your reply
No there is no memeory problem and i also have restart my computer so many times but the problem is same
Since the simple issues check out, you may be having a problem with the
generator not liking something in your descriptors. Can you try
enabling debug on the code generator?

To enable debug:

- Edit the deployEJBProject.xml in the <WCDE_installdir>/xml directory
- Locate the section that runs the LiteDeployedCodeGenerator program
- Add the following to the section (I may be currently commented)
<sysproperty key="litecontainer.debug" value="true" />

When you run with debug enabled, you should see any thrown exceptions
printed on the console. Please copy any exceptions here and I'll see if
this is something simple.
