Staging copy and extended site catalogs?
(too old to reply)
2007-01-10 02:32:13 UTC
We just performed a staging copy to bring our staging server up to the same point as our production node, but after the staging copy completed we noticed a few problems.

The biggest problem seems to be that the master catalog (Extended Sites Catalog Asset Store catalog) is no longer associated with the extended sites. If you go into Accelerator and try to filter a catalog for a store it says you can only do this with stores assigned to a common catalog. All the stores are assigned to the common master catalog on production, but on the staging server they are not.

I assume that is because stagingcopy did not copy some necessary information that links the master catalog with the extended sites, but I have not idea where that might be. I've looked around in the stores tables, catalog tables, category tables, but nothing jumps out as missing.

Anyone know how to fix this?
2007-01-10 02:38:24 UTC
I did find one thing that might be a problem. The STOREREL table is different between the two servers. I'm guessing the stagingcopy command does not copy the STOREREL table. Would it be ok to just add all the entries from the storerel table in production to the storerel table on staging?
2007-01-10 19:28:07 UTC
I have sent a note to the developer
2007-01-10 19:36:56 UTC
in the meantime not sure if this helps:

Robert Brown
2007-02-18 07:14:30 UTC

I am supporting a WC v5.6.0.x site running on AIX with staging utilities
in use. The STOREREL table was not part of the staging propagate
process for our setup. In addition, the INVENTORY table was also not
pushed when new SKUs are created on the staging server. You might want
to consider adding trigger support to your staging environment so
appropriate rows are added to the STAGLOG table for these records that
you wish to migrate to your production database.

Alternatively, you can create the SQL file from the staging commands and
edit the SQL directly to support your environment. Then, you merely run
the SQL file rather than using the staging commands.

One other error we experienced, which is corrected in v6, is the
channeladmin user account created when the Hosting Hub store was
published. This user had records in the MBRREL table I believe which
would not migrate correctly. The same user in v6, extsitesadmin, is now
a negative user ID to absolve a manual effort to correct.

Post by j***@sbcglobal.net
I did find one thing that might be a problem. The STOREREL table is different between the two servers. I'm guessing the stagingcopy command does not copy the STOREREL table. Would it be ok to just add all the entries from the storerel table in production to the storerel table on staging?
2007-01-11 15:44:17 UTC
The developer's response is:

STOREREL table is certainly important. Please check if it's in staged table list. You can check by looking into <WC_installdir>/schema/db2/wcs.staging.xml (or <WC_installdir>/schema/oracle/wcs.staging.xml) to see if the table is listed. If not, that should be the cause.
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