Free ship promos are included sales tax
(too old to reply)
2006-11-06 18:52:31 UTC
We just discovered that our $65 free shipping promo is including the sales tax in the order total to qualify for the promo. I've been digging around, but so far have not found where this calculation is made. Which rabbit hole should I be sticking my head in?

2006-11-06 22:08:49 UTC
Depends on how this was implemented, but I would start with the
Post by j***@meadwestvaco.com
We just discovered that our $65 free shipping promo is including the sales
tax in the order total to qualify for the promo. I've been digging
around, but so far have not found where this calculation is made. Which
rabbit hole should I be sticking my head in?
2007-01-24 15:56:44 UTC
Other site problems took priority (yeah, there's a lot of them) and now this one is being revisited. There is no instance of ShippingCalculationCmd in our code. Any other ideas?
2007-01-24 21:52:31 UTC
Doing some digging to find out how this whole thing works.

Once the billing info is entered the page is submitted to:

calculatioUsageId=-2 tells it to apply the shipping discount. From what I can tell the discount is entered in accelerator and uses the promotion configuration files. Trying to get a copy of that file to see what the settings are. Found this in the documentation:


Does this determine which values to use in determining a promotion? IE if tax was TRUE than include tax in determining if you qualify for a promotion?
2007-01-25 14:54:50 UTC
Finding more things wrong.
If you start checking out and return to shopping cart page the order total being shown includes the sales tax now. If you change items in your cart the sales tax doesn't get updated. Need to clear out sales tax whenever you hit the shopping cart page.

The free shipping calculation not only includes tax, but includes shipping! So if you have a $50 free shipping threshold, $45 in your cart and $6.95 shipping, you qualify for free shipping and your order total is $45. Nice feature. Any idea where this is controlled?
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