CashierExtension paymentManagerParameters Hashtable.What is it?
(too old to reply)
2006-11-28 02:20:56 UTC
How do I find out what kind of objects are passed from the paymentManagerParameters Hashtable into my getValue method when I implement the CashierExtension interface?

Right now I'm trying to create an ExtensionValue in a profile (WCS 5.6.1) and when I try to get the values from the paymentManagerParameters hashtable I get back object that don't have any kind of valid toString() implementation (I get back the object id from the call to toString()).

Looping through the hashtable gave me this:

Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Now entering ApprovalPayment Cashier Extension class.
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: PAYMENTTYPEof class class [B with value of: [***@29bb4897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $AVS.POSTALCODEof class class [B with value of: [***@65f14897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: AMOUNTof class class [B with value of: [***@3867c897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $NUMPAYMENTSof class class [B with value of: [***@63378897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $ACCOUNTNUMBERof class class [B with value of: [***@58a38897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $AVS.STREETADDRESSof class class [B with value of: [***@59f54897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $EXPIRYof class class [B with value of: [***@5a364897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: DEPOSITFLAGof class class [B with value of: [***@5574c897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $CARDVERIFYCODEof class class [B with value of: [***@62c84897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: APPROVEFLAGof class class [B with value of: [***@56f58897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: MERCHANTNUMBERof class class [B with value of: [***@3034c897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: ORDERNUMBERof class class [B with value of: [***@3d04c897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: CURRENCYof class class [B with value of: [***@4ee70897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: PAYMENTNUMBERof class class [B with value of: [***@57264897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: AMOUNTEXP10of class class [B with value of: [***@4c6c4897
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $PANof class class [B with value of: [***@5ce84897

Anyone know what type of object should be returned, or how I can get the actual values of those keys?
2006-11-29 00:45:17 UTC
This file may help you

2006-11-29 19:59:03 UTC
Index into your hashtable with those keynames and cast the output to
(String) explicitly from the hashtable.
Post by j***@sbcglobal.net
How do I find out what kind of objects are passed from the
paymentManagerParameters Hashtable into my getValue method when I
implement the CashierExtension interface?
Right now I'm trying to create an ExtensionValue in a profile (WCS 5.6.1)
and when I try to get the values from the paymentManagerParameters
hashtable I get back object that don't have any kind of valid toString()
implementation (I get back the object id from the call to toString()).
Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment -
Now entering ApprovalPayment Cashier Extension class.
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: PAYMENTTYPEof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $AVS.POSTALCODEof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: AMOUNTof class class [B
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $NUMPAYMENTSof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $ACCOUNTNUMBERof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $AVS.STREETADDRESSof
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $EXPIRYof class class [B
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: DEPOSITFLAGof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $CARDVERIFYCODEof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: APPROVEFLAGof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: MERCHANTNUMBERof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: ORDERNUMBERof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: CURRENCYof class class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: PAYMENTNUMBERof class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: AMOUNTEXP10of class
2006-11-27 21:13:40,593 37326 [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 1] DEBUG
com.asi.util.BaseLogging - ApprovalPayment - Key: $PANof class class [B
Anyone know what type of object should be returned, or how I can get the
actual values of those keys?