v6 WCALoggerConfig change
(too old to reply)
Robert Brown
2007-02-26 21:16:08 UTC
Can anyone here explain how to configure logging separately for each
loader utility in WC v6? I used to edit WCALoggerConfig.xml manually so
I could have a unique filename for xmltransform, idresgen, massload,
etc. This made it easy to debug issues. If I change the xml to

<trace traceFile="trace_idresgen.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_IDRESGEN"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_massload.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_MASSLOAD"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_xmltransform.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_XMLTRANS"/>

the xmltransform and massload utilities just log to trace_idresgen.txt.
Seems we only have one logging mechanism via messages.txt as well.
Isn't this a step backward or is this considered a bug? Seems we even
lost the tie to wcaLogger.dtd.

2007-03-07 14:47:25 UTC
Hi Robert,

I know you can do this, let me find my notes and bounce back. You configure
this in the instance xml for V6 now.

Post by Robert Brown
Can anyone here explain how to configure logging separately for each
loader utility in WC v6? I used to edit WCALoggerConfig.xml manually so I
could have a unique filename for xmltransform, idresgen, massload, etc.
This made it easy to debug issues. If I change the xml to
<trace traceFile="trace_idresgen.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_IDRESGEN"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_massload.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_MASSLOAD"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_xmltransform.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_XMLTRANS"/>
the xmltransform and massload utilities just log to trace_idresgen.txt.
Seems we only have one logging mechanism via messages.txt as well. Isn't
this a step backward or is this considered a bug? Seems we even lost the
tie to wcaLogger.dtd.