Robert Brown
2007-02-26 21:16:08 UTC
Can anyone here explain how to configure logging separately for each
loader utility in WC v6? I used to edit WCALoggerConfig.xml manually so
I could have a unique filename for xmltransform, idresgen, massload,
etc. This made it easy to debug issues. If I change the xml to
<trace traceFile="trace_idresgen.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_IDRESGEN"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_massload.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_MASSLOAD"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_xmltransform.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_XMLTRANS"/>
the xmltransform and massload utilities just log to trace_idresgen.txt.
Seems we only have one logging mechanism via messages.txt as well.
Isn't this a step backward or is this considered a bug? Seems we even
lost the tie to wcaLogger.dtd.
loader utility in WC v6? I used to edit WCALoggerConfig.xml manually so
I could have a unique filename for xmltransform, idresgen, massload,
etc. This made it easy to debug issues. If I change the xml to
<trace traceFile="trace_idresgen.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_IDRESGEN"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_massload.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_MASSLOAD"/>
<trace traceFile="trace_xmltransform.txt" enable="true" fileSize="1024">
<component name="COMPONENT_XMLTRANS"/>
the xmltransform and massload utilities just log to trace_idresgen.txt.
Seems we only have one logging mechanism via messages.txt as well.
Isn't this a step backward or is this considered a bug? Seems we even
lost the tie to wcaLogger.dtd.