Create New Customer stopped working
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2005-05-11 05:29:12 UTC
I have no idea when/why this has started happening but the following problem now occurs when I try to create a new customer in the Commerce Accelerator.

I create the customer and when I click finish is says that the customer was created successfully. However if I try to search for the customer, it does not appear. The customer is not able to login with the ID and password that were created. If it try to recreate the customer again with the same ID, it says that the id has already been used.

Looking into the tables; member, users, etc. I could see that the user had been created but for some reason no entry had been added to the MBRROLE table. If I manually insert an entry into this table using the MEMBER_ID of the customer I created and the ORGENTITY_ID of the B2B Organisation then the customer is able to log on.

Can anyone think of a reason why the Create New Customer action is no longer creating an entry in the MBRROLE table?

Many thanks,
Robert Brown
2005-05-12 23:57:32 UTC
This is just a guess...but I would think it would have something to do
with the MemberRegistrationAttributes.xml file. Has this file been
modified recently? It controls role assignments during the registration

Post by k***@creata.com
I have no idea when/why this has started happening but the following problem now occurs when I try to create a new customer in the Commerce Accelerator.
I create the customer and when I click finish is says that the customer was created successfully. However if I try to search for the customer, it does not appear. The customer is not able to login with the ID and password that were created. If it try to recreate the customer again with the same ID, it says that the id has already been used.
Looking into the tables; member, users, etc. I could see that the user had been created but for some reason no entry had been added to the MBRROLE table. If I manually insert an entry into this table using the MEMBER_ID of the customer I created and the ORGENTITY_ID of the B2B Organisation then the customer is able to log on.
Can anyone think of a reason why the Create New Customer action is no longer creating an entry in the MBRROLE table?
Many thanks,
2005-05-13 02:05:56 UTC
A gold star for you Robert!

I located MemberRegistrationAttributes.xml and saw that it contained very little, there was however a .bak version of the same file that contained more details and so I added those details to the xml file and restarted the instance. Now it works.

I swear I never manipulated that xml file directly myself but I guess its possible that some other change I made affected it, although I'm at a loss to know what that could be.

Anyway, thanks again.
2006-12-08 09:31:48 UTC
hi,i have the same problem with you, and i don't have any experience to develop with websphere,so please can you give me the contents of your MemberRegistrationAttributes.xml file and to specify what you have to change
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