Store Creation Wizard has stopped working
(too old to reply)
2006-11-07 11:05:58 UTC
Hi all,

Got an odd problem, will be raising a pmr, but thought no harm in posting here too!

The store creation wizard in wcs 6.0 ee has stopped working, when you try to create a new extended site, accelerator has a javascript error, looking at the SCWGeneral.jsp this error is happening in the initStoreCatDescriptionArray() js method, looking at the page source, looks like the code gets the store descs ok but then falls over

The system.out log has the following...

[07/11/06 10:08:11:844 GMT] 0000003b CommerceSrvr E com.ibm.commerce.tools.contract.beans.StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs CMN0409E: The following error has occurred during processing: {0}.

..hence why I think it's time to call support!

Any input however would be greatly received,

2006-11-07 15:18:31 UTC
Did you import an XML service agreement?

see http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wchelp/v6r0m0/topic/com.ibm.commerce.user.business.doc/tasks/tctcrtr.htm

and http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wchelp/v6r0m0/topic/com.ibm.commerce.user.business.doc/tasks/tctimpr.htm

Not sure if that will help.
Did you open the PMR yet? I will try and shoot this over to a developer and see what they think.
2006-11-07 15:44:38 UTC
Response from our developer:

Hi Frances,

You need to ask customer to turn on WC_CONTRACT trace and then send us the trace.log.
2006-11-07 16:14:27 UTC
Hi thanks, have opened a PMR, so guess I might as well arrange for tracing to be start now, thanks
2006-11-09 09:41:40 UTC
Hi, i've enabled a trace on WC_CONTRACT and here's the trace...

[09/11/06 09:27:53:797 GMT] 000000a9 ManagerAdmin I TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed. The new trace state is *=info:enable.trace.log.*=all:com.ibm.websphere.commerce.WC_CONTRACT=all.
[09/11/06 09:28:26:969 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:28:26:969 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:28:27:109 GMT] 00000032 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/ToolsLogon.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:28:44:172 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:28:44:172 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:28:44:281 GMT] 000000a9 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:28:44:281 GMT] 000000a9 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:28:44:312 GMT] 000000a9 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/StoreLanguageSelection.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:28:44:953 GMT] 000000a9 BeanMetaData A CNTR0098I: Container-managed pre-find persistent store synchronization disabled for bean: "WC_noshup#Enablement-RelationshipManagementData.jar#LanguageDescription".
[09/11/06 09:28:55:078 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:28:55:078 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:28:55:141 GMT] 0000002e ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/ToolsUI.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:28:55:797 GMT] 0000002e BeanMetaData A CNTR0098I: Container-managed pre-find persistent store synchronization disabled for bean: "WC_noshup#Member-MemberManagementData.jar#Demographics".
[09/11/06 09:28:55:984 GMT] 0000002e BeanMetaData A CNTR0098I: Container-managed pre-find persistent store synchronization disabled for bean: "WC_noshup#Member-MemberManagementData.jar#BusinessProfile".
[09/11/06 09:28:56:125 GMT] 0000002e BeanMetaData A CNTR0098I: Container-managed pre-find persistent store synchronization disabled for bean: "WC_noshup#Member-MemberManagementData.jar#UserProfile".
[09/11/06 09:28:56:266 GMT] 0000002e BeanMetaData A CNTR0098I: Container-managed pre-find persistent store synchronization disabled for bean: "WC_noshup#Member-MemberManagementData.jar#MemberAttributeValue".
[09/11/06 09:28:59:641 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:28:59:656 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:28:59:688 GMT] 00000032 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/MCLaunched.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:00:516 GMT] 000000a2 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:00:516 GMT] 000000a2 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:00:531 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:00:531 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:00:562 GMT] 000000aa ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/ToolsUIMenu.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:00:562 GMT] 000000a2 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/ToolsUIBanner.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:00:656 GMT] 000000a9 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:00:656 GMT] 000000a9 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:00:688 GMT] 000000a9 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/ToolsUIMain.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:01:047 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:01:047 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:01:094 GMT] 0000002e ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/AcceleratorHomeHCP.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:05:141 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:05:141 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:05:156 GMT] 00000032 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/NewDynamicList.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:05:672 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:05:672 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:05:906 GMT] 000000aa ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/contract/ContractList.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:06:031 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT > StoreCreationWizardDataBean getStoreCategories Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:06:094 GMT] 000000aa BeanMetaData A CNTR0098I: Container-managed pre-find persistent store synchronization disabled for bean: "WC_noshup#Enablement-RelationshipManagementData.jar#StoreCategory".
[09/11/06 09:29:06:219 GMT] 000000aa BeanMetaData A CNTR0098I: Container-managed pre-find persistent store synchronization disabled for bean: "WC_noshup#Enablement-RelationshipManagementData.jar#StoreCategoryDescription".
[09/11/06 09:29:06:328 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT < StoreCreationWizardDataBean getStoreCategories Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:06:359 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT 3 com.ibm.commerce.tools.contract.beans.ContractListDataBean buildQuery DB2 SQL: select * from ( select distinct contract.name, starttime, endtime, contract.state, contract.timecreated timecreated, contract.contract_id, contract.majorversion, contract.minorversion, contract.family_id from contract contract, trading trading, trddesc trddesc, participnt participnt, member member where participnt.member_id = member.member_id and contract.contract_id = participnt.trading_id and trddesc.trading_id = trading.trading_id and trading.trdtype_id=1 and trading.trading_id = contract.contract_id and contract.markfordelete = 0 and (usage=2 OR usage=5) and participnt.partrole_id=13 and member.member_id = 7000000000000000005 and contract.state <> 6 ) AS T1 LEFT JOIN ( select trddesc.trading_id, trddesc.description from trddesc trddesc where trddesc.language_id = -1) AS T3 on T1.contract_id = T3.trading_id LEFT JOIN ( select STOREENT.IDENTIFIER, store.status, store.store_id, store.CRTDBYCNTR_ID from store store, storeent storeent where store.store_id =storeent.STOREENT_ID ) AS T2 on T1.contract_id = T2.CRTDBYCNTR_ID order by T1.NAME
[09/11/06 09:29:06:359 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT 3 com.ibm.commerce.tools.contract.beans.ContractListDataBean buildQuery Oracle SQL: select * from ( select distinct contract.name, starttime, endtime, contract.state, contract.timecreated timecreated, contract.contract_id, contract.majorversion, contract.minorversion, contract.family_id from contract contract, trading trading, trddesc trddesc, participnt participnt, member member where participnt.member_id = member.member_id and contract.contract_id = participnt.trading_id and trddesc.trading_id = trading.trading_id and trading.trdtype_id=1 and trading.trading_id = contract.contract_id and contract.markfordelete = 0 and (usage=2 OR usage=5) and participnt.partrole_id=13 and member.member_id = 7000000000000000005 and contract.state <> 6 ) T1, ( select trddesc.trading_id, trddesc.description from trddesc trddesc where trddesc.language_id = -1) T3, ( select STOREENT.IDENTIFIER, store.status, store.store_id, store.CRTDBYCNTR_ID from store store, storeent storeent where store.store_id =storeent.STOREENT_ID )T2 WHERE T1.contract_id = T3.trading_id (+) and T1.contract_id = T2.CRTDBYCNTR_ID (+) order by T1.NAME
[09/11/06 09:29:08:297 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.tools.contract.beans.ContractListDataBean buildResultDataBean Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:08:297 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.tools.contract.beans.ContractListDataBean buildResultDataBean Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:14:234 GMT] 000000a2 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:14:234 GMT] 000000a2 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:14:281 GMT] 000000a2 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/Wizard.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:15:016 GMT] 000000a9 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:15:016 GMT] 000000a9 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:15:031 GMT] 000000a9 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/WizardNavigation.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:15:078 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:15:078 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:15:141 GMT] 0000002e ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/contract/SCWGeneral.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:15:156 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT > StoreCreationWizardDataBean getStoreCategories Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:15:156 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT < StoreCreationWizardDataBean getStoreCategories Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:15:156 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT > StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:15:156 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs User 2
[09/11/06 09:29:15:156 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Site Admin in -2001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:172 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Site Admin in Root Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:219 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Default Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:234 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:234 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:234 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Base Contracts Account Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:234 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Sample B2B Store BaseContracts
[09/11/06 09:29:15:234 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Seller Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Asset Store Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Hub Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationSample B2B Store
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org B2C Organization
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationBristol Test Store
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-002
[09/11/06 09:29:15:250 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-003
[09/11/06 09:29:15:266 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:266 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-003
[09/11/06 09:29:15:266 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-002
[09/11/06 09:29:15:266 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-004
[09/11/06 09:29:15:266 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-006
[09/11/06 09:29:15:266 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-005
[09/11/06 09:29:15:266 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-007
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-002
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-003
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-004
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationM20-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationM20-002
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationM20-003
[09/11/06 09:29:15:297 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-004
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationB78-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationB78-002
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationB78-003
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationS27-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationS27-002
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationS27-003
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationW20-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationW20-002
[09/11/06 09:29:15:312 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationW20-003
[09/11/06 09:29:15:328 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs Child org Extended Sites Seller OrganizationY50-001
[09/11/06 09:29:15:328 GMT] 0000002e WC_CONTRACT 3 StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs NULL_MESSAGE_KEY_PASSED
[09/11/06 09:29:15:328 GMT] 0000002e CommerceSrvr E com.ibm.commerce.tools.contract.beans.StoreCreationWizardDataBean getUserOrgs CMN0409E: The following error has occurred during processing: {0}.
[09/11/06 09:29:21:156 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:21:156 GMT] 00000032 WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:21:188 GMT] 00000032 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/Confirm.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[09/11/06 09:29:22:578 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT > com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Entry
[09/11/06 09:29:22:578 GMT] 000000aa WC_CONTRACT < com.ibm.commerce.contract.commands.ContractCmdUtil getEligibleTradingAgreements Exit
[09/11/06 09:29:22:609 GMT] 000000aa ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [WC_noshup] [/webapp/wcs/tools] [/tools/common/Alert.jsp]: Initialization successful.
2006-11-09 10:47:47 UTC
following on from the post of the trace.log, i've had a look at the source for StoreCreationWizardDataBean and can see where it's writing out the trace. According to the trace it's not getting all the child orgs of root, but looking at member and orgentity in the db everything looks fine....
2006-11-09 15:21:03 UTC

I've sent the trace to the developers. I will let you know what they say.
2006-11-09 17:15:30 UTC
Nice one!


2006-11-09 20:53:28 UTC
Hi Dave,

Here is the response from the developer:

Hi Frances,

I think clearly there is some data issues.

Is the PMR being addressed? If yes, then we should just let that person deal with this.

Otherwise, we need to see the USER, ORGENTITY, MBRROLE table contents.
2006-11-10 09:18:37 UTC
yeah, PMR has been opened, have sent logs / trace, haven't heard back yet, we'll see I guess! Many thanks for your input...
2006-11-10 11:16:32 UTC
Hi Dave,

I got more response from the developer. If you can give us the PMR number we can make sure that there is no duplicate effort.

Here is more information for you. I hope this helps:

Hello Frances,

Since the PMR is opened, pls tell me the PMR number to let us keep this problem better. Thanks.

From the trace, it seems that there is one value of the member/organization is null, so the exception occured.

Please let customer use the two SQL to query:


WHERE T2.ORGENTITY_ID=T3.member_id and T2.ORGENTITY_ID=-2001

All the selected values by the two SQL should not have null pointer. Especially for the first SQL, there should be this orgnization name list(blue list), please let customer pay attention on the record which is at later of this organization "Extended Sites Seller OrganizationY50-001 ", the exception occured in this record. So, please let customer ensure this record have no any null value. If there is null or blank value, let customer change it then retry.

Default Organization
Extended Sites Seller Organization
Extended Sites Organization
Base Contracts Account Organization
Sample B2B Store BaseContracts
Seller Organization
Asset Store Organization
Extended Sites Hub Organization
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationSample B2B Store
B2C Organization
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationBristol Test Store
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-001
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-002
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-003
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-001
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-003
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-002
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-004
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-006
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-005
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationK84-007
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-001
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-002
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-003
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationG90-004
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationM20-001
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationM20-002
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationM20-003
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationC15-004
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationB78-001
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationB78-002
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationB78-003
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationS27-001
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationS27-002
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationS27-003
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationW20-001
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationW20-002
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationW20-003
Extended Sites Seller OrganizationY50-001
2006-11-10 15:28:11 UTC
thanks for this, PMR is 06049.019.866

tried the sql for an ok record, the last record (Y50-001) and the next record in the table and all returned data as expected...
2006-11-13 13:47:34 UTC
Hi Dave,

Here is the latest from the developer:

Hello Frances,

1) Does the error occured when Customer create store using store creating wizard at first time? Or the error occured in the second or another time?

2) What is the next record of the Y50-001? Please let customer send the result of this SQL:


3) Please let customer replace the class file attached to <WAS Home>\profiles\<instance>\installedApps\WC_<instance>_cell\WC_<instance>.ear\Enablement-RelationshipManagementLogic.jar(before replace, please backup the Enablement-RelationshipManagementLogic.jar).
Then restart the sever, reproduce the problem and send the trace file to me.

I just added more trace information to this file.
2006-11-14 09:49:29 UTC
hi, thanks for the input on this, to answer your questions...

1) No, this used to work, it stopped working recently, and since that point always fails.

2) The SQL returned no results

3) trace.log with modified class attached


2006-11-14 15:36:37 UTC
sent this info to the developer. If you wish, you can give me your e-mail and he can contact you directly. It's up to you.
2006-11-14 18:54:30 UTC
nice one! you can email me at ***@blueyonder.co.uk
2006-11-17 10:25:04 UTC

just to let you know this has been resolved, was indeed a data issue, a couple of rogue U records in member / mbrrel without the corresponding record in the users table...
Continue reading on narkive: